Monday, December 12, 2011

St. Jude Carousel of Hope

Sunday night some of our alumni got together to help with the St. Jude Carousel of Hope at Wolfchase mall! This event gave the kids of St. Jude a chance to come to the mall and ride the carousel, meet Santa, do some craft projects, and participate in lots of other fun activities! This was great for both the kids and the parents, and they all seemed to have a wonderful time!
Thank you to Brooks Magee for getting the group together for this rewarding event!!
Here are a few pics from the night:

 We were asked to make sure that everything was extra-clean for the patients!

Thanks to all who volunteered!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

St. Jude Give Thanks Walk

Our alumni chapter along with some of the girls from the Rhodes DDD chapter participated in the first annual Give Thanks Walk to benefit St. Jude! It was held November 19 at the Carriage Crossing Mall in Collierville, TN. We had a great time and can't wait to participate next year. If you didn't get a chance to participate, put it on your agenda for 2012! It was a great event!
Here are some pics from the day:

Elvis was the pre-walk entertainment!

Some of the MSU alumni supporting Tri Delta and St. Jude!

Girls from the Rhodes Chapter


Thanks again to all who participated! Can't wait to do it again next year!

Monday, October 10, 2011

St. Jude Give Thanks Walk

If you haven't already, please take a second to sign up to be a part of our team for the St. Jude Give Thanks Walk which will take place in Collierville on Saturday, November 19! Sign up is easy. Click HERE for the link to our team's page. If you cannot walk with us, please think about sponsoring our team. Any amount will help! We are currently at $675 of our $1500 goal!! For all of the specifics on the event, click the link HERE.

Our alumni officers recently met to discuss the upcoming walk, and are very excited about being involved in this first-ever event! Here are a few pictures of us taking a look at our new hats and brainstorming on ways to get everyone involved in the walk!

We also have officer teams that will be visiting Tri Delta chapters at several college campuses in the surrounding areas. One group visited with the Rhodes chapter this week and  we are very excited to get them involved in the walk as well! Here are some pictures from their visit!

To purchase a hat for yourself to wear on race day, or to support our team if you can't be there for the race, please contact Linda Coleman. Here email address is
If you would like to walk with us, It only takes about 5 minutes to register and once you do, you can share a direct link to your facebook page or twitter to ask for donations and support from your friends! It just takes a few simple steps! Stay tuned for more updates on our progress and also for a fun giveaway!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Book Club Meeting This Tuesday!

Please note that the book club will be meeting tomorrow, September 6 at 11:30 AM at P.F. Chang's in East Memphis to discuss the book "Glass Castle". Please feel free to join them for lunch and fellowship whether you have read the entire book, half the book, or haven't even started it! All are welcome and they hope to see you there!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

St. Jude Give Thanks Walk! Sign Up Today!

This year, St. Jude is launching a new event in over 80 cities called the Give Thanks Walk! This walk will help raise money for St. Jude Hospital and we are excited to be participating!

There are several ways that you can help. We have a $500 goal as a chapter to raise for the event, as well as a team of walkers ready to participate. The event will take place at the Avenue at Carriage Crossing in Collierville on November 19, 2011. Check in begins at 7:30 AM and the walk begins at 9. It should be a fun and family-friendly event and we would love for you experience with us!
Here is a link to the St. Jude website for all of the details on the walk in Collierville: Give Thanks Walk
Additionally, everyone participating in our chapter has the opportunity to purchase this adorable hat that we will be using as our "uniform" for the day so that our chapter presence can be seen! The hat is only $20!

So how can you participate?
1. Donate toward our goal of $500 (you can include this while paying your dues for this year)
2. Sign up to walk on November 19 with our team
3. Purchase a hat to wear during the walk...and to keep!

To sign up for either of these events or for additional questions, please email Ashley at and she will take care of it for you!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Amerigo Wine Tasting!

We had a fabulous turn out for our wine tasting event at Amerigo last night! Thanks again to Amerigo for being such great hosts and we look forward to another one soon! Here are a few pics from the night.

Please join our group on facebook to keep up with events and to see even more pics from the night! You can find us HERE!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Mark Your Calendars! Wine Tasting Event Scheduled for August 15!

We are very excited that Amerigo in East Memphis has offered to host a wine tasting event for our alumni group!  The date has been set for Monday, August 15 from 6-8 pm and it will include various wines and an expert with details about each as well as appetizers to compliment each one.  This will be a great time to meet other alumni in the area and to also discover a new favorite wine!  Amerigo has very generously given a price of only $20 per person which is for both the wine and the appetizers.  Friends and spouses are also welcome and are encouraged to come!  The more the merrier! 
There will also be someone available to collect your dues for the upcoming year so you won't have to hassle with mailing in a check.  Just bring it to the party! ($40 for regular members, $22 for life-loyal)
So come by after a long Monday at work and relax with some great wines! We can't wait to see all of you there!!  It's going to be a blast!

If you have any questions, please email Lauren Hulett at

Thursday, June 30, 2011

June Book Club Meeting: Water for Elephants

The ladies of the Tri Delta book club recently met at Macaroni Grill for lunch and a discussion on their latest book, "Water for Elephants".  They were also fortunate enough to have this month's book still showing at the theater, so they met up and saw the movie together as well!

If you would like to join the book club for one of their monthly book reviews, please see the "book club" tab for their meeting dates and scheduled books.  They would love to have you!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Etiquette Program for Rhodes DDD's

Near the end of the school year, Vicki Fioranell, retired Career Center and Alumni Director at Delta State University, presented a short program in table and business etiquette to Rhodes College seniors. The presentation title was "Which Fork to Use" which prepares students for interviews over lunch or dinner.

Vicki with two of the Tri Detla seniors at Rhodes!  Thank you Vicki for helping these girls have a head start in finding a successful career after college!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tri Delta Book Club

So far this year, the alumni book club has had quite a few exciting things going on!  Below are a few pictures from their recent adventures:

Some of the Book Club ladies in front of William Faulkner's home in Oxford, MS

In front of the Tri Delta house on the Ole Miss Campus this Spring

Vicki Fiornelli hosted a luncheon at her home which included a special guest, Neil White!
He is the author of "In theSanctuary of Outcasts" and provided a reading for the group.

If you are interested in joining the book club, please contact Mace Coday Gearhardt at
Please see our book club tab at the top of the blog for dates, times and a list of books for the rest of 2011!

Champagne Party: November, 2010

This past November we had a great turnout for our annual Champagne Party!  This year it was held at Interim in East Memphis.  Below are a few pictures from the event!

Welcome to our new blog!

Hi Everyone!
We are excited to now have a blog for our Memphis area alumni group!  This will give all of you a place to check for updates on meetings, events, and other things that we have going on!  There are lots of exciting things planned for this Fall and we will be sharing the details of them HERE! 