Wednesday, August 17, 2011

St. Jude Give Thanks Walk! Sign Up Today!

This year, St. Jude is launching a new event in over 80 cities called the Give Thanks Walk! This walk will help raise money for St. Jude Hospital and we are excited to be participating!

There are several ways that you can help. We have a $500 goal as a chapter to raise for the event, as well as a team of walkers ready to participate. The event will take place at the Avenue at Carriage Crossing in Collierville on November 19, 2011. Check in begins at 7:30 AM and the walk begins at 9. It should be a fun and family-friendly event and we would love for you experience with us!
Here is a link to the St. Jude website for all of the details on the walk in Collierville: Give Thanks Walk
Additionally, everyone participating in our chapter has the opportunity to purchase this adorable hat that we will be using as our "uniform" for the day so that our chapter presence can be seen! The hat is only $20!

So how can you participate?
1. Donate toward our goal of $500 (you can include this while paying your dues for this year)
2. Sign up to walk on November 19 with our team
3. Purchase a hat to wear during the walk...and to keep!

To sign up for either of these events or for additional questions, please email Ashley at and she will take care of it for you!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Amerigo Wine Tasting!

We had a fabulous turn out for our wine tasting event at Amerigo last night! Thanks again to Amerigo for being such great hosts and we look forward to another one soon! Here are a few pics from the night.

Please join our group on facebook to keep up with events and to see even more pics from the night! You can find us HERE!