Our alumni officers recently met to discuss the upcoming walk, and are very excited about being involved in this first-ever event! Here are a few pictures of us taking a look at our new hats and brainstorming on ways to get everyone involved in the walk!
We also have officer teams that will be visiting Tri Delta chapters at several college campuses in the surrounding areas. One group visited with the Rhodes chapter this week and we are very excited to get them involved in the walk as well! Here are some pictures from their visit!
To purchase a hat for yourself to wear on race day, or to support our team if you can't be there for the race, please contact Linda Coleman. Here email address is lindapc@comcast.net.
If you would like to walk with us, It only takes about 5 minutes to register and once you do, you can share a direct link to your facebook page or twitter to ask for donations and support from your friends! It just takes a few simple steps! Stay tuned for more updates on our progress and also for a fun giveaway!!