Monday, May 21, 2012

Sip and Sign for St. Jude

Sunday the DDD alumnae got together to write letters to friends and family asking for support for St. Jude. St. Jude provided all of the supplies, we just brought our contact lists.

We had a fun crowd and some yummy snacks and drinks! Here are a few of the ladies hard at work on their letters.

A special thank you to Sarah Wright from St. Jude for setting this up for us. We will continue to do more of these in the future, and I would encourage all of you to participate in the next one!
Also thank you to Linda Coleman for opening your beautiful home to us!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

St. Jude Sip and Sign Event This Sunday!!

Please join us this Sunday from 2-4 for some fun fellowship and an opportunity to raise funds for St. Jude!
We will be writing letters to friends and family letting them know of our involvement with St. Jude and asking for their support, so bring your address books! There will be light refreshements and the stationary is provided.
If you didn't recieve the evite, please contact me!!

See you there!!!