Thursday, July 26, 2012

GoPaint Party for St. Jude at Buckley's Lunchbox: August 24

This Summer's social event was a night out at Buckley's lunchbox for a GoPaint party given by Lisa Dick. We had a wonderful turnout and everyone had a blast! We even had some Rhodes girls join in on the fun. A fun event that benefits St. Jude is always a great partnership!
A few officers and members getting ready for the party
Everyone putting their own spin on the paintings.

Lisa giving instructions.
We were so glad to see some Rhodes girls there! They are getting ready for recruitment and are really excited about the upcoming semester.

 Vicki giving away some great door prizes (including a FREE paint party seat...thanks Lisa!)
 Everyone's houses turned out great and all were so unique!

Group shot. Thanks again, Lisa. We had a great time!
Also an additional big thanks to Lisa for donating part of her proceeds to St. Jude!

For more pictures and for updates on more fun events like this, please join our facebook page!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July Newsletter! Take a quick look for some important info!

·         This year’s goal is $1500 for our team! If you participated in this last year, you know how much fun this event was!
·         Please visit for event info and to register to be on our team! The team name is “Memphis Tri Deltas”. If you want more info on the event details or have any questions, please contact Linda Coleman at Even if you can’t walk, still register, and invite family and friends to do the same! Every team member counts and can raise funds! An email with more info will be going out soon.
·         COMMUNICATIONS/SOCIAL MEDIA REP NEEDED! Do you enjoy blogging/facebooking/and organizing things like newsletters and informative emails? If so, this is the job for you! We need someone that can keep the communication channels flowing and keep alumni in the know when it comes to upcoming meetings and events! Please contact Lauren at if this sounds like the spot for you!
o   Panhellenic representative
o   Social/event support positions
o   Reference assistance
·         Alumni Book Club: meets monthly over lunch (usually) to discuss a diverse selection of books! All are welcome and meeting times and located on our blog. Please contact Vicki at to get on the email list!
2012-13 DUES INFO:
·         Dues notices will be mailed out next week! The dues period starts August 1, 2012. You can pay $40 for a one year membership or $22 if you are a life-loyal member!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rhodes chapter recognized at Tri Detla Convention in Tuscon!

Congrats to the Rhodes chapter for being recognized at convention this year for raising $100,000 for St. Jude! We are so proud to have such a strong chapter right here in Memphis! If you would like to become more involved with the chapter, please let us know! This is a great way to reach out and get to know these girls better!
Check out the link below for the full story!

Monday, July 9, 2012

GoPaint Party Tuesday, July 24th! RSVP today!

We are so excited about this month's social event! If you haven't already, please RSVP to the GoPaint party with local artist Lisa Dick! A portion of the cost will be donated to St. Jude and what better way to get to know other local DDD's than over a glass of wine and a blank canvas!
We are thrilled that Lisa has offered to do this for our group and can't wait to see you all there! Hurry and call today because there are a limited number of spots and they are filling up fast!
We hope to see you on the 24th! Come a few minutes early to get set up and chat with friends!