Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Rhodes DDD Chapter is ready for the new year!
Hello DDDarling Alumni,

The Rhodes College chapter of Tri Delta is gearing up for and getting VERY excited about the incoming Rhodes Tri Delta pledge class of 2013! And, this year, our recruitment process is more
colorfully innovative than ever. To foster the enthusiasm of future Baby Deltas, our chapter has launched a Delta-tastic campaign into three very prominent social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! We would ADORE your support of these social media accounts (the links to which I have included below) as we aim to expand our social media ranges across the board! Simply "like" or "follow" us for updates on our chapter members' exciting summer journeys and mind-blowing accomplishments. I have also included a link to our snazzy website and excellent SUMMER BLOG! We appreciate you so much for your steadfast support. Click below to check us out!

Delta Love,
Isabelle Campbell

Collegiate-Alumni Relations
Rhodes College, Delta Psi Chapter

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Reference Deadline Approaching!

The Arkansas chapter is requesting all references be submitted by July 1st. That's Monday Ladies! If you have one you need to submit, please contact Jennifer Utkov Kruchten or Beth Carr.

Also, LSU is recommending references and letters by submitted by July 1st. They are requesting 2 pictures labeled with name and high School. Their firm deadline appears to be July 15th. But don't wait!

If you have questions, please email  Jennifer or Beth.


Monday, April 8, 2013

New Reference Chairmen

 We are pleased to announce two new officers for our Alumnae chapter.  Beginning immediately, Beth Malmo  Carr will be our Reference Chairman and Jennifer Utkov Kruchten will the the Assistant Reference Chairman.  Thank you to these ladies for taking on these positions.  Their respective contact information is below.

Beth Malmo Carr
4244 Waymar Drive
Memphis, TN  38117

Jennifer Utkov Kruchten
6294 River View Cove 
Memphis, TN  38120

And a big thank you to out-going Reference Chairman Marsha Rainey! For her many years of service! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Book Club Meeting, March 19, 2013

The Memphis Area Tri Delta Book Club met today at Amerigo's in East Memphis.  The topic of discussion was Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay.  This is a compelling and tragic story of WWII France. 
 Product Details
We had 7 members in attendance. A fun and lively group! The discussion was thoughtful and inspiring.  Several members had personal family stories from the WWII era.

The next meeting will be on April 9th, so you have 3 weeks to read our next selection, The Racketeer by John Grisham.  Please contact Mace Coday if you are interested in attending so we may make reservations for lunch.

Product Details